office (813)247-1025
fax (813)247-1025
Q: [What exactly do you do there]
A: [We offer Computer training that includes typing skills, internet usage
w/ email and other common web related skills, as well as job
hunting, and other forms of education.]
Q: [How much does it cost to come]
A: [There is no charge for access to the computers or any of our
training programs]
Q: [So it's all about computers]
A: [The majority of our programs are based on computer usage, however we also have
a section of the center that is dedicated to Health & Wellness]
Q: [What about immigrants or people that can't read English well]
A: [We also have English and other language training programs]
Q: [What do you offer for people not really interested in learning computers]
A: [We currently have a collection of books and magazines on a variety of topics including medical, construction,
chess, art, and literature. Did I forget to mention
that if you are a chess or checker player, the center is always opened for you to come in and play. You are sure to find it worth
a visit.]